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Thanks For Visiting The Home Of The XtCAT, XtGem Community Access Tool.

Please enjoy this FREE to use widget that I created as a gift for the XtGem Free Mobile Site Host community....

Don't Forget To Post Your FREE Back-Link Into Our New GUEST-BOOK TOOL Before You Leave!


Create Your Account

Create your FREE XtCAT Account and then Login to control your tool settings.

FREE Registration

Ad Space

Contact Us to place YOUR ad.

Support This FREE Service

This service is FREE for the visitors to use, but is not FREE to run.

You can help to off-set this burden by using this cost FREE way to further educate yourself in a wide range of subjects. Click below to learn more.

Current XtCAT Total Cost: $57.22
Current XtCAT Earnings: $20.0913

News And Updates

6/12/2020 - New Advertisement added to the site to try and make some money so I can UPDATE XTCAT...

12/27/11 - New type="unique_average" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/23/11 - New type="hits_average" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/19/11 - New type="display2" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/18/11 - New type="unique" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/17/11 - New idstring="<xt id="url" noquery="1" />" to replace call="1" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/15/11 - New type="none" and type="display1" variables added to Counter Tool...

10/28/11 - Third Party RSS Support added to Guest-Book Tool...

10/22/11 - Self-Translation Variables added to Star Ratings Tool...

10/20/11 - Guest-Book Tool is now active...

10/12/11 - Guest-Book Tool BETA testing starts...

9/7/11 - Guest-Book Tool Demo released...

3/24/11 - Copy/Paste code problem fixed...

2/23/11 - Private Chat Room Tool Coming Soon!

2/22/11 - Guest-Book Tool Coming Soon!

2/17/11 - Star Ratings Tool is now active...

2/16/11 - Plain Text Total Site Wide Page View Counter Tool is now active...

Live On-line Demo

Try out the variety of different tools and settings that are available in the Live On-line Demo.
Live On-line Demo (NEW!)