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News And Updates

6/12/2020 - New Advertisement added to the site to try and make some money so I can UPDATE XTCAT...

12/27/11 - New type="unique_average" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/23/11 - New type="hits_average" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/19/11 - New type="display2" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/18/11 - New type="unique" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/17/11 - New idstring="<xt id="url" noquery="1" />" to replace call="1" variable added to Counter Tool...

12/15/11 - New type="none" and type="display1" variables added to Counter Tool...

10/28/11 - Third Party RSS Support added to Guest-Book Tool...

10/22/11 - Self-Translation Variables added to Star Ratings Tool...

10/20/11 - Guest-Book Tool is now active...

10/12/11 - Guest-Book Tool BETA testing starts...

9/7/11 - Guest-Book Tool Demo released...

3/24/11 - Copy/Paste code problem fixed...

2/23/11 - Private Chat Room Tool Coming Soon!

2/22/11 - Guest-Book Tool Coming Soon!

2/17/11 - Star Ratings Tool is now active...

2/16/11 - Plain Text Total Site Wide Page View Counter Tool is now active...